When we do not have reunions scheduled, we still manage to get together in small groups. Many take place at Charlie's home, but others have been held in Texas and California. Charlie has dubbed these get togethers as "Attitude Adjustments" for those times that we really need to get away from the every day tedium of our daily lives and/or work. Sidney has done her share of bringing these off, both in Texas and California. She travels a lot and tries to visit with classmates who live in the areas she is visiting. Also, many have traveled to California to visit with her and Nancy. Below are a few of the photos from these Attitude Adjustment parties. Click on the photo for a larger picture.

There were some pictures e-mailed before my computer crashed and I lost them. I do not remember who sent them except for Sidney and Ann. Will whomever sent those first pictures please send them to me again in order that they may be included. BILL

LAST UPDATED 2/25/2005

Ann (Walker) Holman gets her attitude adjustments through
concerts with the "Singing Christian Women of Oklahoma."
Here is a photo of the group giving a concert
in Romania.

At one of the get togethers, held at Charlie's home, there was a disturbance when a Raccoon robbed the dog's food dish.

It seemed the visitor did not take the hint when Teresa, Charlie's wife, ran him off several times. Therefore, she decided to take more drastic measures.

Sidney adjusts her attitude in myriad ways; long walks, traveling, and others. On one of her walks (Where?) she found her dream car.

Stu visited Santa Monica. After breakfast he, Sidney and Nancy took a walk on the beach.

Another time, John Aldriedge visited with Sidney and Nancy in Santa Monica.

Holley and Gale visited California and Holley had a chance to visit with Nancy and Sidney. Here, they have lunch, and since Charlie could not be there in person, they enjoyed his company via Laptop. Enjoy the pizza Charlie? I think Gale took the picture.(?)

Here Sidney gives her grandson a seed spitting lesson in Santa Barbara, CA. As can be seen, he took to it like a duck to water.

Some of the girls managed to get together in California. Left to Right: Carole Jo (Holmes) Blassingame, long missed Julia Chapman, Carolyn (McIntosh) Berry, Marilynn Blackmon, Janet (Baber) Blankenship, Nancy Domjanovich, and Sidney (Sudberry) Greathouse.

To help with their adjustment, Carolyn and Janet take a ride on the Carosel at Santa Monica Pier.

Photo care of Holley.
Note from Sidney.
Hi Everybody,
Called Holley and asked her to have lunch with me. She was really busy, but pulled herself away from work so we could get together for an hour. We ate at Applewood's. At first she may have thought I was a dainty eater when I only ordered vegetable soup, but that quickly changed when she saw me wolf down a dozen of those apple dumplings or fritters or whatever they are called. Applewood's is the only restaurant I know that serves doughnuts for appetizers!

Sidney had occasion to visit Ft. Worth(Les wanted to see the Colonial Open I think). While there, she had lunch with Marilynn, Carole Jo, and Bill. I really enjoyed it; hope the ladies did!

Here and in the following two boxes are some photos from the April 2004 Attitude Adjustment campfire at Charlie's home. Attending were: Richard Davenport, Charlie Mayhue, Jackie Walker, Mary Ellen Davenport, John Fred Jumper, Charlotte and James King

Marilynn gets a springtime attitude adjustment searching for 4-leaf clovers.

Here is the Guinn Homestead(Magnificent view) and in the next photo is Richard getting his attitude adjusted.