2002 60X60

September 19-22, 2002

At the 2000 reunion, it was decided that even five years was too long between visits. It was decided that we would hold some type of get together every two years. The first one coincided with the sixtieth birth year(except for one or two babies) of our class members. A number of people put a lot of work into making this one of the best reunions we have held. Activities began on Thursday with our usual gathering at Folger's and the River Bottom Party that night. Friday was taken up by a Bus tour of the Grade Schools, the New High School, and the 2002 Homecoming game against McAlister.(which Ada won) Saturday was free during the day with the Dinner at the Elk's Club that night. Every evening ended with an impromptu party by the pool at the Holiday Inn. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday breakfasts were a time to relive the previous days activities and offer ideas for the next reunion. This reunion was well attended and below you can see the Group Photo and links to visit various activities.

If anyone has a picture of someone who attended and is not shown on these pages, I would very much like for it to be sent to me. I don't want to leave anyone out. BILL

LAST UPDATED 11/23/2004

Front Row:(left to right)
Mary Ellen (Altag) Davenport, Marilynn Blackmon, Carolyn Pearson, John Fred Jumper, Janet (Baber) Blankenship, Richard (Dick) Wilson, Holley (Robinson) Izard, Sue (Stidham) McSwain, Jean (Vail)Coleman, Helen Anne Parrish, Ann (White) Truscott, Zuda (Wright) Russel, Ann (Walker) Holman, Jackie (Walker) Walker, Nancy Domjanovich, Carol Jo (Holmes) Blassingame, behind her Judy (Timmons) Hanson, Linda (Smalley) Andrews, Patsy Ely, Karen Sue (Laxton) Sliger, Joe Knickmeyer

Back Row: Left to right
Charlie Mayhue, Darrell Briscoe, Bill Myrick, James King, John Aldreidge, Ted (Smith) McNeilsmith, Richard Guinn, Dell Howry, William (Matt) Dillon, Glen Walker, Sidney (Sudberry) Greathouse, Jerry Smith, John Kuras, George Hanson, Raymond Phillips,LeDon McAnally, Jerry (Doug) Smith

The lady directly behind Jean with her face hidden in all of the group photos is Jill (Etier) Botkin. She lost her shoe and, while trying to get it back on,did not pay attention while the pictures were taken.

This photo does not include all who attended the reunion. There were some that attended but could not stay for all of the activities

Folger's River Bottom Breakfast Grade Schools Ada High School

Game Elk's Club Dinner Patio Parties Attitude Adjustments

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